
What Should You Do During Nysc Service

Task ane. Read and translate the information given below

Grooming is essential for an constructive presentation. When giving a presentation, certain keywords are used to signpost the different stages. It's a good idea to memorize them and do using them, so that they come to mind easily during a presentation.
►Starting the presentation • Good forenoon/practiced afternoon ladies gentlemen •The topic of my presentation today is ... • What I'thou going to talk nearly today is ...
►Why yous are giving this presentation •The purpose of this presentation is ... •This is important considering ... • My objective is to ...
►Stating the chief points •The main points I will be talking nigh are firstly .. secondly... side by side, finally... nosotros're going to look at ...
►Introducing the first bespeak • Let's start/brainstorm with ...
►Showing graphics, transparencies, slides etc. • I'd like to illustrate this by showing you...
►Moving on to the side by side bespeak • Now let's movement on to ...
►Giving more details • I'd like to expand on this aspect/problem/point • Let me elaborate on that • Would yous like me to expand on/elaborate on that?
►Irresolute to a different topic • I'd similar to turn to something completely different
►Referring to something which is off the topic • I'd like to digress here for a moment and just mention that. * Speak to the subject
►Referring back to an earlier signal • Let me go dorsum to what I said earlier about ...
►Summarizing or repeating the main points • I'd like to epitomize the principal points of my presentation - first I covered - and then we talked about - finally nosotros looked at • I'd now like to sum up the main points which were:
►Decision • I'm going to conclude by... maxim that/inviting you to/ quoting ... • In decision, let me... get out you lot with this thought/invite you to
►Questions • Finally, I'll exist happy to reply your questions. • Now I'd like to invite any questions you may take. • Do you accept any questions?

Job ii. Match the showtime of the phrases (1-eight) to their ends (a-h)

1. I'd like to illustrate this….. two. I'm going to conclude………. 3. Allow me go……… 4. Let'due south showtime/begin………. 5. Now I'd like to sum…… vi. I'll be happy……. 7. Will you aggrandize….. 8. Delight, recap ………… a) on this aspect ? b) with the nigh astute topic. c) the principal points of your presentation. d) past... saying that…. e) by showing you this model f) back to what I said before yard) to answer your questions. h) up the main points.

Task three. Survival Language. Read and pay attention to the underlined words.

In mod English, Presentations tend to be much less formal than they were fifty-fifty xx years ago. Most audience these days prefer a relatively informal approach.

Nevertheless, at that place is a sure structure to the opening of a Presentation that you should observe.

If you get your facts incorrect.

I am terribly sorry. What I meant to say was this.

Sad. What I meant is this.

If you lot have been going as well fast and your audience is having problem keeping upward with you.

Let me just epitomize on that.

I want to recap briefly on what I take been saying.

If y'all have forgotten to brand a signal.

Sad, I should but mention ane other thing.

If I tin can just become back to the previous signal, there is something else that I forgot to mention.

If y'all have been too complicated and want to simplify what you said.

And so, basically, what I am saying is this.

So, basically, the point I am trying to get across is this.

If you realize that what y'all are saying makes no sense.

Sorry, perhaps I did not brand that quite clear.

Allow me rephrase that to make information technology quite clear.

If you lot cannot recollect the term in English language.

Sorry, what is the word I am looking for?

Sad, my mind has gone bare. How exercise you say 'escargot' in English?

If you are short of fourth dimension.

So just to give you the chief points.

As we are short of time, this is just a quick summary of the master points.

Useful phrases:

to recap on - резюмировать

to mention - упоминать, ссылаться

to simplify - упрощать

to get across - четко изложить, переходить

to rephrase - перефразировать

to make no sense - не имеет смысла

briefly - вкратце

previous - предыдущий

basically - в основном, по существу

my mind has gone blank - я ничего не запомнил.

to be brusque of time - иметь мало времени

summary of the main points - краткий обзор основных моментов.

Exercise 4. Consummate the sentences with the suitable words from in a higher place.

a) I desire to epitomize ________on what I have been saying.

b) Let me ______that to make information technology quite clear.

c) This is but a quick _______of the main points.

d) We are _______ of time.

eastward) Permit me ________that to make it quite clear.

f) I want to ________ what I said.

g) I should go back to the _______ indicate.

Task five. Cull a suitable answer.


How should you stand?

a Arms crossed on chest.

b Straight but relaxed

What should you do with your hands

a Put hands on hips

b Put one hand in a pocket.

c Keep hands by your side.

How can you emphasize something?

a. Indicate finger at the audition.

b Motility or lean forward to show that something is of import.

c Use a pointer to draw attending to important facts

What should yous practise when you feel nervous?

a Hold a pen or cards in your hands.

b Walk back and forth.

c Expect at the flip chart or screen

5 How should y'all go on eye contact with the audition?

a Brand centre contact with each individual often

b Choose some individuals and expect at them as often as possible

c Spread attention around the audience.

six. How fast should you speak?

a Virtually 20%more slowly than normal

b Merely as fast every bit in a normal conversation.

c Faster than in a normal conversation.

7. How should you limited enthusiasm?

a. By raising vocalization level

b By waving arms

c By making hand or arm gestures for important points

Chore 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

subsequently • all • areas • divided • finally • start • then • 3rd

a) I'll be talking to you today most the after-sales service plans we offer. I'll ______1______ past describing the various packages in detail._____2_____ I'll become on to testify you some instance studies._______3 ______I'll discuss how you tin can choose the best plan to run into your customers' needs.

b) I've ______4_____my talk into iii main in parts. Showtime of _____5_____, I'll tell you something nearly the history of our company. ______6_____ that I'll describe how the visitor is structured and finally, I'll give you some details about our range of products and services.

c) I'd like to update you on what nosotros've been working on over the last year. I'll focus on the master _______7_____ : first, our articulation venture in Asia; second, the new plant in Charleston. And ______8_______ , our redevelopment project.

Task 7. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

1 Thanks ________coming all this style.

ii I've divided my presentation ________three parts.

3 Commencement of all, I'll give you an overview ______ our financial state of affairs.

iv Commencement, we'll be looking ____ the visitor'due south sales in the last two quarters.

v In the showtime part of my presentation I'll focus ________the electric current project status.

6 Point one deals ________ APG'southward new regulations for Internet utilize.

7 Secondly, I'll talk ________ our investment in office applied science.

8 After that I'll motion on ________ the adjacent point.

nine. I'm going to be reporting _______ the new division.

10. I'll focus ______ iii major bug.

Task 8. Cull the correct verb to fit the judgement.

i. How are we going to solve / deal/ tackle with commitment problems?

2. I don't retrieve nosotros can cope / tackle / have care with fewer people.

iii. We call up information technology's of import to indentify / bargain / cope the problem now.

4. Who will have care / deal / tackle of our business clients?

five. Nosotros take been trying to cope / solve / take care the software problem.

6. Before we continue, let'due south indentify / analyze / solve this trouble.

Chore 9. Read and retell the text.


Presentations are very common nowadays.

At that place are a few primary reasons why people make presentations.

The first ane is launching a new product or service. The second reason is ordinarily launching a sales cam­paign.

There are some things that y'all should call back if you desire to make your presentations successful:

— Adjust your linguistic communication so that everybody can united nations­derstand you. Don't use besides long or likewise complicated sentences.

— Try to visit the room where you'll be giving the presentation beforehand and organize information technology according to your own needs. Make certain that you are familiar with the equipment, attempt to employ it beforehand.

— Use visual aids — charts, diagrams, overhead projector, flipcharts, if you accept a lot of information. They can make a presentation more interesting, more impressive and easier to understand. Only make sure they are appropriate.

— And finally it is necessary to summarize at the cease.

Most people are nervous at the beginning of a pres­entation. Effort not to worry, be quiet. Try not to speak also fast, specially during the start couple of min­utes — this is the time for establishing your rapport with the audience.

Prove your interest in the bailiwick of the talk.

Look around your audience as you speak — eye con­tact is also essential for maintaining a skilful rapport, you will be able to see if the audience is interested or bored.

When you are delivering your presentation, stand rather than sit.

Speak clearly and distinctly. Use words and sen­tences which yous are comfortable with.

Be ready to deal with any questions, even if they are hostile. Polite and diplomatic answers are a good disarming policy.

Don't forget that a good presentation is very much a performance, and if you are delivering the presenta­tion, y'all'll accept to behave like an actor.

Chore 10. Reply the questions.

i. What are the purposes of making presenta­tions?

2. What should the structure of a presentation be?

3. Why are the showtime moments of presentation im­portant?

4. What should you detect out about the audience you are going to be addressing?

5. What kind of language should a speaker employ when delivering the presentation?

half-dozen. Why is it recommended to visit the room where you will be giving the presentation beforehand?

7. In what situation is the use of visual aids recom­mended?

8. How can a speaker establish a rapport when de­livering a presentation?

ix. Is it better to stand or to sit down when you are deliv­ering a presentation?

ten. What will your tactics be if you are asked hostile questions?

11. Exercise yous agree with the statement that a good presentation is very much a functioning?

12. Why is it important to think about cultural en­vironment while preparing for a presentation?

Task 11. Codify the questions so that the follow­ing sentences are the answers.

1. Yes, there are a few reasons why people make presentations.

ii. Yeah, the presentation should take a articulate struc­ture.

iii. The offset few minutes of the presentation are very important because they can make or break your presentations.

4. You volition experience confident during a presentation if y'all get the audience'southward attention.

5. Yeah, stating the objectives of the presentation is necessary.

6. Yep, you should know how many people will be attention.

seven. Information technology is recommended to visit the room where you lot are going to give the presentation before the presentation.

viii. Your language should exist simple and so that every­torso can understand y'all.

ix. If a speaker has a lot of information, he can employ visuals.

ten. Visuals tin make the presentation more inter­esting and easier to understand.

eleven. Some people are nervous at the beginning of a presentation.

12. The first couple of minutes is the time for estab­lishing rapport with the audience.

thirteen. Be polite and diplomatic if yous are asked hostile questions.

fourteen. When delivering a presentation, a speaker should stand rather than sit down.

15. Yeah, I concord that a good presentation is very much a performance.

Task12. Friction match the synonyms.

i. objective a. quickly

2. assistance b. influence

iii. touch c. in accelerate

four. handle d. destroy

v. requirement e. apply

6. check f. closely

vii. address g. field

viii. beforehand h. aim

9. break i. complicated

10. incentive j. need

xi. fast k. bargain (with)

12. advisedly

xiii. surface area m. exam

14. complex n. challenge

Task 13. Complete the sentences.

i. Many people are nervous ...

ii. When you are delivering a presentation ...

3. If I am asked hostile questions, ...

4. A man who is going to deliver a presentation should find out...

v. I take a lot of information which ...

half-dozen. The kickoff few minutes of the presentation are very important because ...

7. I know you are very decorated and then ...

8. I'd like to thank you for ...

9. Now permit me turn to ...

x. Now I'd like to outline ...

11. A good convincing tactics in a discussion is ...

12. There are many reasons why ...

13. You lot will feel confident during the talk, if ...

xiv. If you lot deal with this problem,

Task 14. Translate into English language

one. Каждая презентация имеет определенную цель.

2. Постарайтесь установить контакт с аудиторией с самого начала презентации.

3. Вы можете от­вечать на вопросы во время презентации или после нее.

4. Если вы установите взаимопонимание с самого начала, то успех презентации вам обеспечен.

5. Когда вы проводите презентацию, не садитесь, а стойте перед аудиторией.

6. Очень важно научиться внимательно слушать партнера.

7. После краткого вступления он сказал о целях своего выступления.

8. Я думаю, вы понимаете, что обсуждение этого вопроса потребует много времени.

9. Если вам что-то неясно, задайте докладчику вопросы.

10. Не все студенты нервничают перед экзаменом, некото­рые относятся к этому спокойно, умеют собраться и отвечают удачно.

xi. Хорошая презентация, как и хороший урок, в определенной степени являет­ся спектаклем.

12. Так как у вас мало времени, я постараюсь быть кратким.

13. Докладчик сказал, что презентация продлится twoscore минут.

14. Если я не ошибаюсь, в нашем распоряжении мало времени, поэтому давайте сразу перейдем к делу.

Chore 1. Read and translate the information given beneath


Preparation is essential for an effective presentation. When giving a presentation, certain keywords are used to signpost the unlike stages. Information technology'southward a skillful idea to memorize them and practise using them, so that they come to listen hands during a presentation.
►Starting the presentation • Good morning/expert afternoon ladies gentlemen •The topic of my presentation today is ... • What I'm going to talk about today is ...
►Why you are giving this presentation •The purpose of this presentation is ... •This is important considering ... • My objective is to ...
►Stating the main points •The master points I will be talking virtually are firstly .. secondly... next, finally... we're going to expect at ...
►Introducing the first indicate • Let'due south start/begin with ...
►Showing graphics, transparencies, slides etc. • I'd like to illustrate this by showing you lot...
►Moving on to the next betoken • Now allow's move on to ...
►Giving more details • I'd like to expand on this aspect/problem/point • Let me elaborate on that • Would you like me to expand on/elaborate on that?
►Changing to a unlike topic • I'd like to turn to something completely different
►Referring to something which is off the topic • I'd like to digress hither for a moment and just mention that. * Speak to the discipline
►Referring back to an earlier point • Allow me go dorsum to what I said earlier about ...
►Summarizing or repeating the main points • I'd like to epitomize the chief points of my presentation - first I covered - then nosotros talked about - finally nosotros looked at • I'd now like to sum up the main points which were:
►Determination • I'm going to conclude by... proverb that/inviting you to/ quoting ... • In determination, allow me... exit you with this idea/invite you to
►Questions • Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions. • Now I'd like to invite any questions you lot may accept. • Do y'all have any questions?

Chore ii. Match the beginning of the phrases (ane-8) to their ends (a-h)

one. I'd like to illustrate this….. 2. I'thousand going to conclude………. three. Allow me get……… 4. Allow's get-go/brainstorm………. 5. Now I'd like to sum…… 6. I'll be happy……. seven. Will you expand….. viii. Delight, recap ………… a) on this aspect ? b) with the near acute topic. c) the master points of your presentation. d) by... maxim that…. eastward) by showing you this model f) back to what I said before k) to respond your questions. h) upwards the primary points.

Task 3. Survival Language. Read and pay attention to the underlined words.

In modern English, Presentations tend to be much less formal than they were even twenty years ago. Most audience these days prefer a relatively informal approach.

However, there is a certain structure to the opening of a Presentation that you should observe.

If you get your facts incorrect.

I am terribly sad. What I meant to say was this.

Sorry. What I meant is this.

If you accept been going as well fast and your audition is having trouble keeping up with y'all.

Allow me just epitomize on that.

I want to recap briefly on what I have been saying.

If you have forgotten to make a indicate.

Pitiful, I should just mention one other thing.

If I can merely go dorsum to the previous betoken, there is something else that I forgot to mention.

If you take been as well complicated and want to simplify what y'all said.

And so, basically, what I am saying is this.

So, basically, the point I am trying to get across is this.

If you realize that what you are maxim makes no sense.

Deplorable, perhaps I did not make that quite clear.

Allow me rephrase that to get in quite clear.

If you lot cannot remember the term in English.

Distressing, what is the discussion I am looking for?

Sorry, my mind has gone blank. How exercise you say 'escargot' in English?

If y'all are short of time.

So just to give you the main points.

As we are short of time, this is just a quick summary of the main points.

Useful phrases:

to recap on - резюмировать

to mention - упоминать, ссылаться

to simplify - упрощать

to become across - четко изложить, переходить

to rephrase - перефразировать

to brand no sense - не имеет смысла

briefly - вкратце

previous - предыдущий

basically - в основном, по существу

my heed has gone blank - я ничего не запомнил.

to be short of fourth dimension - иметь мало времени

summary of the main points - краткий обзор основных моментов.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the suitable words from above.

a) I want to recap ________on what I take been saying.

b) Let me ______that to make it quite clear.

c) This is just a quick _______of the chief points.

d) We are _______ of time.

e) Let me ________that to go far quite clear.

f) I want to ________ what I said.

chiliad) I should go dorsum to the _______ point.

Task five. Choose a suitable answer.


How should you stand?

a Arms crossed on breast.

b Straight but relaxed

What should you practise with your hands

a Put hands on hips

b Put one hand in a pocket.

c Keep easily by your side.

How tin you emphasize something?

a. Point finger at the audience.

b Move or lean forrad to show that something is important.

c Apply a arrow to draw attending to important facts

What should you exercise when you experience nervous?

a Hold a pen or cards in your hands.

b Walk back and along.

c Look at the flip nautical chart or screen

five How should you keep center contact with the audience?

a Make center contact with each individual oft

b Choose some individuals and expect at them as often as possible

c Spread attending around the audience.

6. How fast should you lot speak?

a About 20%more slowly than normal

b Just as fast as in a normal conversation.

c Faster than in a normal chat.

7. How should you express enthusiasm?

a. By raising phonation level

b By waving arms

c Past making paw or arm gestures for of import points

Job six. Consummate the sentences with the words in the box.

afterward • all • areas • divided • finally • beginning • then • tertiary

a) I'll exist talking to you today nearly the later-sales service plans we offering. I'll ______1______ by describing the various packages in detail._____2_____ I'll go along to evidence y'all some case studies._______3 ______I'll discuss how you tin choose the all-time program to come across your customers' needs.

b) I've ______4_____my talk into iii main in parts. Beginning of _____5_____, I'll tell you something about the history of our company. ______6_____ that I'll describe how the company is structured and finally, I'll give yous some details virtually our range of products and services.

c) I'd like to update you lot on what we've been working on over the last year. I'll focus on the main _______7_____ : kickoff, our joint venture in Asia; 2nd, the new plant in Charleston. And ______8_______ , our redevelopment project.

Task 7. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

i Thank you ________coming all this fashion.

ii I've divided my presentation ________three parts.

3 Kickoff of all, I'll requite you an overview ______ our financial situation.

4 First, we'll be looking ____ the visitor's sales in the last two quarters.

5 In the first part of my presentation I'll focus ________the current projection status.

6 Point 1 deals ________ APG's new regulations for Internet use.

7 Secondly, I'll talk ________ our investment in office applied science.

eight Subsequently that I'll motility on ________ the adjacent betoken.

9. I'1000 going to exist reporting _______ the new division.

x. I'll focus ______ three major issues.

Chore 8. Choose the correct verb to fit the sentence.

1. How are we going to solve / deal/ tackle with delivery problems?

two. I don't think we can cope / tackle / accept intendance with fewer people.

3. We recollect information technology'south important to indentify / deal / cope the problem now.

4. Who will take care / deal / tackle of our concern clients?

five. We take been trying to cope / solve / take care the software trouble.

6. Before nosotros go on, let's indentify / clarify / solve this problem.

Task 9. Read and retell the text.


Presentations are very mutual present.

There are a few main reasons why people make presentations.

The commencement i is launching a new product or service. The 2d reason is commonly launching a sales cam­paign.

There are some things that you should remember if you want to make your presentations successful:

— Conform your language so that everybody tin un­derstand you. Don't apply too long or too complicated sentences.

— Try to visit the room where you'll be giving the presentation beforehand and organize information technology according to your own needs. Make sure that you are familiar with the equipment, try to use it beforehand.

— Use visual aids — charts, diagrams, overhead projector, flipcharts, if you have a lot of data. They tin can make a presentation more interesting, more than impressive and easier to sympathize. Merely make sure they are appropriate.

— And finally it is necessary to summarize at the end.

Most people are nervous at the beginning of a pres­entation. Try not to worry, be quiet. Try not to speak likewise fast, especially during the start couple of min­utes — this is the fourth dimension for establishing your rapport with the audition.

Show your interest in the bailiwick of the talk.

Await around your audition as you speak — eye con­tact is also essential for maintaining a proficient rapport, yous volition be able to see if the audience is interested or bored.

When you are delivering your presentation, stand rather than sit.

Speak clearly and distinctly. Use words and sen­tences which you lot are comfortable with.

Be ready to deal with any questions, even if they are hostile. Polite and diplomatic answers are a good disarming policy.

Don't forget that a skillful presentation is very much a performance, and if you are delivering the presenta­tion, y'all'll have to behave like an player.

Task 10. Answer the questions.

one. What are the purposes of making presenta­tions?

2. What should the structure of a presentation be?

three. Why are the start moments of presentation im­portant?

4. What should yous notice out about the audience you are going to be addressing?

5. What kind of language should a speaker use when delivering the presentation?

6. Why is it recommended to visit the room where you will be giving the presentation beforehand?

seven. In what situation is the utilize of visual aids recom­mended?

viii. How can a speaker establish a rapport when de­livering a presentation?

9. Is it better to stand or to sit when you lot are deliv­ering a presentation?

10. What volition your tactics be if you are asked hostile questions?

11. Do you agree with the statement that a good presentation is very much a performance?

12. Why is it of import to recollect about cultural en­vironment while preparing for a presentation?

Task eleven. Formulate the questions then that the follow­ing sentences are the answers.

1. Yeah, there are a few reasons why people make presentations.

2. Yes, the presentation should have a clear struc­ture.

three. The first few minutes of the presentation are very important because they can make or break your presentations.

iv. You lot will feel confident during a presentation if yous get the audience's attention.

5. Yes, stating the objectives of the presentation is necessary.

6. Yes, you should know how many people will be attending.

7. It is recommended to visit the room where you lot are going to give the presentation before the presentation.

8. Your language should exist elementary so that every­body tin understand you.

nine. If a speaker has a lot of data, he can use visuals.

x. Visuals can brand the presentation more inter­esting and easier to understand.

eleven. Some people are nervous at the beginning of a presentation.

12. The commencement couple of minutes is the time for estab­lishing rapport with the audience.

13. Exist polite and diplomatic if you are asked hostile questions.

14. When delivering a presentation, a speaker should stand rather than sit.

fifteen. Yes, I concord that a proficient presentation is very much a performance.

Task12. Match the synonyms.

1. objective a. quickly

two. assist b. influence

3. impact c. in advance

iv. handle d. destroy

five. requirement e. apply

6. check f. closely

7. address g. field

8. beforehand h. aim

nine. pause i. complicated

10. incentive j. demand

11. fast k. deal (with)

12. carefully

thirteen. expanse m. test

14. circuitous n. challenge

Chore xiii. Complete the sentences.

1. Many people are nervous ...

2. When you lot are delivering a presentation ...

3. If I am asked hostile questions, ...

four. A man who is going to deliver a presentation should observe out...

5. I have a lot of information which ...

6. The start few minutes of the presentation are very important because ...

7. I know you are very busy so ...

eight. I'd similar to thank you lot for ...

ix. Now let me turn to ...

ten. At present I'd similar to outline ...

xi. A good convincing tactics in a discussion is ...

12. In that location are many reasons why ...

13. Yous will feel confident during the talk, if ...

14. If you bargain with this trouble,

Task 14. Interpret into English

one. Каждая презентация имеет определенную цель.

two. Постарайтесь установить контакт с аудиторией с самого начала презентации.

3. Вы можете от­вечать на вопросы во время презентации или после нее.

4. Если вы установите взаимопонимание с самого начала, то успех презентации вам обеспечен.

5. Когда вы проводите презентацию, не садитесь, а стойте перед аудиторией.

6. Очень важно научиться внимательно слушать партнера.

7. После краткого вступления он сказал о целях своего выступления.

8. Я думаю, вы понимаете, что обсуждение этого вопроса потребует много времени.

9. Если вам что-то неясно, задайте докладчику вопросы.

ten. Не все студенты нервничают перед экзаменом, некото­рые относятся к этому спокойно, умеют собраться и отвечают удачно.

11. Хорошая презентация, как и хороший урок, в определенной степени являет­ся спектаклем.

12. Так как у вас мало времени, я постараюсь быть кратким.

thirteen. Докладчик сказал, что презентация продлится xl минут.

14. Если я не ошибаюсь, в нашем распоряжении мало времени, поэтому давайте сразу перейдем к делу.


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