
What Mistake Did The Secret Service Make Regarding A Bullet Found On A Gurney

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Michael F. Assbender
  • #151
The Q and JFK affair makes me wonder what happened to conspiracy nuts on the Left? Did they all get on the Trump/Q railroad train?

They mostly got rolled in with the antivax crowd.
  • #152
Given where we are now, I wouldn't be surprised if the Republicans were behind it.
  • #153
I have no idea why people are so dismissive of those who harbor doubts about information technology all. Being suspicious of an entity like the CIA, given their history, is totally rational IMO.

The CIA and the FBI all did some terrible things in that particular era, and likely exercise to this mean solar day. They've orchestrated coups throughout the world, something like this wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

pretty much how I experience, the stuff nosotros know about the CIA is most all horrifying
Michael F. Assbender
  • #154
I'm pretty firmly in the camp that subscribes to the theory that while Oswald fired the start two shots (1 of which deflected off a tree branch and the other hit Kennedy in the neck, probable paralyzing him) the third and fatal shot came from a hungover, bumblefuck Hugger-mugger Service agent in the car behind Kennedy's who accidentally fired his AR-15 while in the process of standing up and turning around to face up the book depository.

Heck there'southward fifty-fifty a picture of the guy (George Hickey):


Of all the the different theories I've read/heard near, that seems to be the one that is the most plausible based on the ballistics.

I highly recommend The Last Podcast on the Left's six part series on the JFK Bump-off, it's fantastic and lays out the testify for that ^^ particular theory pretty succinctly in the final episode where they cover a number of the major conspiracy theories.

There'due south zip proof of this. "He was drunkard and had a gun" doesn't cut it.
Video Kojima
  • #156
I'thousand fairly certain that lho fired at and killed JFK, though I also don't remember he was a lonely wolf.
  • #157
No, his caput but did that
Possum Armada
  • #158
I believe this should have been a poll.
And yes.
Dr PeterVenkman
  • #159
Saying Oswald was potentially part of a conspiracy was the findings of the Democratic The states Firm Select Committee on Assassinations. People comparing this to QAnon are wrong. The CIA admitted to and has been found to practise grisly assassinations and massacres throughout history. The but reason we know about MK Ultra and the horrific experiments and torture programs is from journalists who did research and exposed their lies at great risk to their reputations with the CIA and US Government stone-walling/publicly lying along the style.

wasn't this based solely on the dictabelt recording from a police motor cycle that was miles abroad and maybe, perchance recorded a quaternary shot. I'd have to brush up on my JFK history every bit I used to be pretty enamored by the whole thing because I loved the moving-picture show as a kid. The truth seems far more boring. but there are some fishy things going on there regardless. They cleaned up that limo awfully quick and the bullet establish on a gurney in the infirmary is pretty suspect bear witness. none of that proves really anything. the most plausible caption is oswald acting alone.
Osu 16 Bit
  • #160
He was a trained marksman, had the rank of sharpshooter in the Marines for a time and a scoped Carcano rifle like the one he used are plenty accurate for shooting a target that was only moving away, not left or correct. Information technology wasn't that hard of a shot to make, you could probably take someone with footling to no experience to a range and they'd exist able to do something like with the same rifle afterward some do.

I call up a lot of people have a vision in their caput of the assassination that doesn't friction match reality. The school book depository isn't as high upward or far away as it comes off on telly. You also always run across comments like ane in a 1000000, too perfect ect and information technology'south like, information technology wasn't a picture perfect agent 47 deal. He fired 3 times, one completely missed.

  • #161
No idea. I assume so.
Oswald striking those all those shots is the most sus thing nearly information technology all. He must have been an insane marksman.

I don't retrieve it would be that insane for anyone trained to hit the shots. The volume depository is actually close to the route, at the intersection, and directly overlooks it.
I remember a lot of people accept a vision in their head of the assassination that doesn't match reality. The school book depository isn't as loftier upwardly or far away as it comes off on tv set. You likewise ever run across comments like one in a one thousand thousand, too perfect ect and it's similar, it wasn't a picture perfect amanuensis 47 bargain. He fired 3 times, i completely missed.


I feel that those who haven't been to Dealey Plaza or The Sixth Floor Museum/Book Depository don't realize the distance isn't very far which is understandable.

  • #162
There'due south zero proof of this. "He was boozer and had a gun" doesn't cutting it.

I mean them stopping the autopsy and removing the presidents brain and and so mislaying it definitely implies they wanted to forestall noesis that in that location was a second calibre circular in there. Plain none of us have any starting time-hand noesis or show, we're interpreting 40 years of hearsay, but it would explain some oddities around the example. If anything that determination makes it more banal rather than more than fantastical, revealing the foreign coverup in the backwash was merely donkey-covering to avoid more embarrassment, and the official culprit is still a bad'un.

Plus it's not similar we don't have a long listing of evidence of the Undercover Service being fuckups, throughout the Obama administration they were getting day drunk and crashing cars into the White House and causing terrorism scares and leaving their guns on planes and all sorts.

  • #164
nobody shot JFK

his head simply did that

  • #165
No, CIA, FBI, Chicago Mob, and New York Yankees are as well involved.
Michael F. Assbender
  • #166
I mean them stopping the autopsy and removing the presidents brain and then mislaying it definitely implies they wanted to prevent knowledge that there was a second calibre round in at that place. Manifestly none of u.s.a. have any first-hand noesis or prove, we're interpreting 40 years of hearsay, merely it would explain some oddities around the case. If anything that conclusion makes it more bland rather than more fantastical, revealing the foreign coverup in the aftermath was simply ass-roofing to avoid more embarrassment, and the official culprit is nonetheless a bad'un.

Plus information technology'due south non like we don't have a long listing of testify of the Underground Service existence fuckups, throughout the Obama assistants they were getting day drunkard and crashing cars into the White House and causing terrorism scares and leaving their guns on planes and all sorts.

I don't think it's that large a deal that federal agents insisted on having the dissection performed in DC. This was uncharted h2o and they reacted quickly in the way they idea best.

The President's brain went missing and was probably stolen. This happens with famous people, every bit grisly as that is. Hell, Einstein's brain was stolen. Did the CIA kill him as well?

And the Secret Service being fuck-ups merely proves they're fuck-ups. It doesn't say anything nearly their interest in JFK's expiry.

  • #167
it wouldn't have been "random", lol

at that place are reports he wanted to defund parts of the CIA, and he was for authorities modify but not the regimes they were trying to change at the fourth dimension.

he might have been a fiddling inconvenient to some, he doesn't seem like a 'compromise offset' type.

the way you lot say random lol

So you clearly know cypher almost JFK.
I think a lot of people have a vision in their caput of the assassination that doesn't match reality. The school book depository isn't as high up or far away as it comes off on tv. You lot likewise always see comments like one in a million, too perfect ect and information technology's like, information technology wasn't a picture perfect agent 47 deal. He fired 3 times, one completely missed.

Anytime I recollect nigh JFK conspiracy theories I think of that Rex of the Hill episode where Dale realizes he'due south been viewing the Warren Committee report map of Dealey Plaza wrong. He then realizes everything makes sense when reading the map correct, simply not accepting this he goes to Dealey Plaza himself and realizes how perfectly everything matches up. He sees how easy the shot would've been and how perfectly positioned Oswald was and information technology breaks him.

"It all makes consummate absolute sense!"

  • #168
Yes. All the testify points to it.
  • #169
We all know the existent respond as per this documentary:
  • #170
I don't know what "historical narrative" ways in this case, merely I am very sure there are important facts most that instance nosotros don't know. The government would have released those documents if there was nothing important in them.

Too the "loons" who doubted the official story of the Warren committee (which was the "historical narrative" at the time) is what got united states the JFK Records Act, which got u.s. a whole lot of hard evidence that we didn't have before.
And if we always get the authorities to release everything it volition be them, not the people who refuse to question well accepted narratives.

Your position here is basically that at that place is inherent virtue or righteousness in pushing the government to release documents. While the government tin can exist an asshole and secretive all of the torn, I just don't agree with the premise. This is also the same process that allowed us all to see Obama's nascence certificate(s).

Simply because a group can be loud plenty to inspire a release of docs doesn't always mean they're chasing the truth. To use a less inflammatory case, in that location were groups pushing for UFO records for years too…and and so we got them. And then nothing.

  • #171
Everybody here who argues there was some conspiracy based on the CIA non releasing the records, do you lot also believe in aliens since the government for decades didn't release those records and still hasn't fully washed then?

Is it possible there was a huge conspiracy? Certain. The refusal to declassify isn't the smoking gun you think it is. Governments never want to declassify records especially the United states of america.

kyle mechlachlan
  • #172
Pretty sure Mythbusters even showed that the shots were possible/plausible. All the stuff regarding weirdness around the backwash and the covering up of information just seems to me to more related to the aftermath and investigation being a fuck up and non wanting people to know how badly they fucked it all up. But Oswald killed that dude.

The merely matter I would be willing to believe is that Oswald had some connection to the CIA or the regime, only that would only mean that him turning out to be an cocky-motivated assassinator is the biggest fuck up for the government. And they definitely don't want people knowing that.

  • #173
Of all the conspiracy stuff out there the Mafia hitting theory ever made the most sense to me. Jack Scarlet was a mobster and they hated the Kennedys for their 'expose' after using the Mafias back up in the past and their afterward modify to fight organized crime. Corrupt LEA figures might have been a part of information technology.
  • #174
Yes he was the lone gunman, equally due what the authorities won't release I bet most of it comes down to how this should have been preventable if multiple agencies were actually doing their jobs
  • #175
Information technology's implausible to me that, if in that location was a conspiracy, we oasis't really had anyone leak something after 60 years. No deathbed confessions? No kids talking about stuff they overheard? No personal letters that say a little too much? Plotting to kill the president, and then covering it up, seems too big and too expansive to non have someone fuck it up in the decades since. To my knowledge, all the evidence presented is circumstantial - just that they had the means and the motivation.

And I hateful, I dunno, if I wanted to kill the president, and I was running the CIA, at that place'southward probably a cleaner and easier way than getting some patsy to shoot him in the head, and Then hiring some guy to publicly impale your now-infamous patsy.

  • #176
We all know who did information technology...
  • #177
the theories that the CIA were involved in JFK's assassination long predate QAnon. You are conflating things.
Seriously, I don't know where people are coming up with that stuff.

JFK conspiracy has been referenced in The Rock, The X-Files which has my favorite in which the smoking man did it. And in Bones where they establish a second shooter. Steven King wrote a whole volume/novella where a dude travels time to prevent it, as well.

  • #178
I experience similar with all those theories people are giving to much credit to organizations like FBI or CIA to comprehend up such a conspiracy. It would exist almost impossible to hide the truth about stuff that was this big and public and then many humans involved who are able to brand mistakes.
  • #179
, do y'all likewise believe in aliens since the government for decades didn't release those records and still hasn't fully done and then?

I mean I recall in that location is a very expert possibility that other intelligent life exists outside of globe.
  • #180
No, he was at the library building with Jackie:

Historical document Billy Bat lays it out well:

Clicked on the thread thinking of this. Appreciate the kickoff folio post.
  • #181
I mean I remember in that location is a very adept possibility that other intelligent life exists outside of globe.

And they've visited Earth in their spaceships and the government is in contact with them or found one of their crashed spaceships with little green men inside and has kept it a secret for all these decades and those little green men were never searched for by their comrades despite the avant-garde technology required to traverse space?
  • #182
I personally exercise not care about the actual physical shooting of jfk weather it was just Oswald, 2nd shooter, on grassy nhol or in the machine with jfk
Atmospheric condition Oswald was even firing shots if anyone was fifty-fifty on the 6th flooring

Only I do know Oswald was an asset, the guy in organized crime who killed Oswald was an nugget, cia def killed the gf

And that Lyndon b Johnson and Nixon both did not trust the warren commission

At present I utilise to not even intendance virtually jfk at all but documents that have come out that proves theories of jfk wanting to pull out of Vietnam, wanting to cool things downwardly with the soviet matrimony and Cuba and even wanted to practice joi t space programs has made me take the cia having a motivation to kill him fashion more than seriously

I never get people that put the jfk assasination on the same level as apartment earth hollow earth shape shifting lizard stuff
Considering Iran contra mk ultra and the fbi killing Martin Luther King Jr being real

I mean I know why they do its a from of cope
Both sides of the conspiracy spectrum are cope if you don't believe information technology at all and everything is peachy or you believe sci fi and magic shit where the forces are and then powerful they tin can never be defeated

Whereas anything where the motivation is just the algorithm of global commercialism that makes much more sense

  • #183
I have to think that the CIA probably artsy upward something similar how after every terrorist attack we find they were beingness watched by the CIA. The merely misreckoning part for me is Jack Ruby killing Oswald. That's the matter that turns it into a groovy conspiracy.
  • #184
I personally practise not intendance about the actual physical shooting of jfk weather condition it was just Oswald, second shooter, on grassy nhol or in the machine with jfk
Weather Oswald was even firing shots if anyone was even on the 6th flooring

Just I exercise know Oswald was an asset, the guy in organized crime who killed Oswald was an asset, cia def killed the gf

And that Lyndon b Johnson and Nixon both did not trust the warren commission

At present I use to not even care about jfk at all only documents that have come out that proves theories of jfk wanting to pull out of Vietnam, wanting to cool things downwardly with the soviet spousal relationship and Cuba and even wanted to practice joi t space programs has made me accept the cia having a motivation to kill him manner more seriously

What in the hell are you talking about? He's the one that put troops in! Fucking LBJ wanted to get out, he fucking brash confronting letting Diem get couped when JFK and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (dumbass) supported it. And he'southward the 1 that constantly bitched and moaned about wanting to get out still feeling trapped. Seriously, what are you lot talking about?
  • #185
Oswald hitting those all those shots is the nearly sus thing about it all. He must have been an insane marksman.

I visited the museum at the book depository. While you tin can't go to the exact spot Oswald used, you can become one floor below. From there yous can see that the road leads downwards and away from the window. So as cars drive past, they don't really motility across the field of view, merely away. It's non that hard of a shot.
  • #186
I 100% believe some guy could independently come up with and do something similar this. Reagan was likewise shot by a random weirdo too.
  • #187
E Howard Hunt has a deathbed confession on YouTube that everybody chooses to ignore. He implicates David Morales Sanchez. David Morales Sanchez's chaser independently stated his client confessed his involvement.
  • #188
In terms of the "major" assassinations of the 1960's I'one thousand more than inclined to believe that the MLK and Malcolm 10 assassinations had CIA/US authorities involvement than the JFK or RFK assassinations.
Special Puppy
  • #189
Conspiracies are copium tbh. Ppl tin't handle the fact that the most powerful man on the planet got killed past some schmuck then they proceed to make up the most nonsensical theories imaginable (why would the CIA kill an avowed anti-communist president who was very moderate on domestic policy/ceremonious rights?)


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
  • #190
I take my doubts that Lee acted alone simply more than likely it was a 1 homo job.
  • #191
Everything I know about this comes from Stephen King's book 11/22/63.
  • #192
I visited the museum at the book depository. While you tin can't go to the exact spot Oswald used, you can get one floor below. From at that place you can see that the road leads downward and abroad from the window. So as cars drive by, they don't actually motility across the field of view, just abroad. Information technology's non that difficult of a shot.
You can as well go 1 flooring to a higher place. You can see exactly where the X's are (they marked the road where the impacts were recorded). You lot can also run across them on satellite images (though in the one that is loaded here, 1 of the X's are covered) by a car.

I really similar the museum, and it'due south a neat identify to take folks of a sure age. My father in constabulary, while Taiwanese, lived through all of that (albeit with an overseas view), and withal establish it very powerful and sobering. The Cold War was a very scary fourth dimension.

  • #193
Clicked on the thread thinking of this. Appreciate the first page postal service.


Billy Bat is so practiced.

  • #194
it's the anniversary of his expiry
lmao this is a great sequence of posts
  • #195
No but I don't recall it was a huge conspiracy. Simply a minor one. I call up Reddish had something to do with it and whoever hired the gun to took him out got away and that's that. Nothing too deep.
  • #196
Yep - security was lax and some ideological misfit with military training and a rifle was able to get a few rounds off on the motorcade.

Nothing I've read makes me believe the conspiracy theories when the straightforward caption makes the near sense

  • #197
I dunno. I never looked into information technology for a long time (I'grand not American). When you do, it is kinda sus. Like how that bullet supposedly bounced around in ii people creating all those wounds, and and then came out looking basically pristine. And how Oswald supposedly was just this lonely crazy gunman with no specific motive, and and so another lone crazy gunman takes him out too lmao.
  • #198
lmao this is a groovy sequence of posts
This is the occasion where Ridley Scott needed to runway on kids with their cell phones.
  • #199
This is the occasion where Ridley Scott needed to rails on kids with their cell phones.
Peradventure at that place's a reason he didn't…
  • #200
I feel as if I have read and so many disarming arguments. If I had to form an opinion I think that LHO did not human action solitary, as in others helped plot, knew or suspected. There are a lot of strange circumstance but that doesn't always add up to anything. In my volume, it remains a mystery.

What Mistake Did The Secret Service Make Regarding A Bullet Found On A Gurney,


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